Meddling government
While I share GorT’s incandescent rage (rim shot), over the federal government’s unilateral imposition of mercury-vapor lighting and ardently hope it’ll be reversed, it’s not like this is new. We’re still using lame low-flow toilets and shower heads because we, uh, might run out of water? Because we weren’t all paying our water bills? Because global warming was going to melt the ice caps but that water wasn’t going to make it here? I forget why.
Also, remember, these are fluorescent bulbs. So your house will soon be bathed in the beautiful, soft light of your office’s mail room (unless you spring for the “full-spectrum” fluorescents at about $12 a pop). And you may not be able to throw those mercury-laden shards in your trash can, but will have to drive every broken bulb to a dump or pick-up point. (And everyone will conscientiously do that so there’s no risk of mercury contamination to the ground water, right?) And many won’t work with dimmer switches or rheostats. And there’s a delay between throwing the switch and getting any light.
Moreover, lest this seem like an act of selfless “green” virtue on the government’s behalf, who were the major backers? Sure, the environmental lobby but also…GE and other lightbulb makers. Hmm, that seems strange. Oh wait, turns out the profit margin on a $3 bulb is way fatter than that on a 20¢ bulb. Taking your money and giving it to other people. That’s what modern government’s about, apparently.
Maybe the Gormogons should start buying up tens of thousands of incandescents and dealing them on the black market after 2012…
Don’t ask impertinent questions like that jackass Adept Lu.