It’s hard out there for a pimp
Alas, SPECTRE’s new boss, Vova Putin is having some trouble selling his “liberator of South Ossetia” story. Even to fellow goons and his stooges.
Consider the rogue’s gallery [sic*] that refused to go along: Hugo Chávez’s Venezuela, the Castros’ Cuba, Bolivia, Iran and Syria. The club of seven authoritarian former Soviet republics known as the Collective Security Treaty Organization also demurred. Even Moscow’s puppet autocrat in Belarus, Aleksander Lukashenko, deferred to his toothless parliament; in other words, nyet, for now. Russia was rebuffed by China and India at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
Pimpin’ ain’t easy, y’all.
Caption: Nyet, Gospodin Bond, I expect you to buy. Buy petroleum and natural gas. Mwahahaha.
*They also use block for bloc. Why isn’t the Volgi the world’s copy-editor?!
Don’t ask impertinent questions like that jackass Adept Lu.