Oh, we’ve got to do it for poor Teddy before he dies!
What are the odds that an Obama Administration with a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate won’t pass some version of this in a blind hurry? And then welcome to the world of socialized medicine. Enjoy the filth. Prepare to clean your loved ones’ hospital rooms yourself. And maybe the toilets down the hall.
Socialized medicine is rationing. There’s only so much in the budget, and some salary-scaled, uncaring, DMV-style bureaucrat gets to decide if you, your parents, and your children get it. Think dealing with your insurance company is bad? Wait until another budget-busting economic crisis like Fannie & Freddie or the S&Ls comes along. “Oops, we can’t afford any more CAT scans this year. Sorry, you’ll have to wait to find out if you’ve got brain cancer.” “But I could die in the interim!” “True, but then you wouldn’t cost us anything.”
Socialized medicine is also giving every damn sleazeball in the country a claim on your body and conduct. Wait until it’s your duty to your fellow citizens to conduct your life in an approved way. Because if you eat that fried egg, you’re costing people money!
There is no better or more fatal way to make a free people into a dependent, supine group of supplicant subjects than controlling their medical care.
But, you object, it’s not socialist! They’re involving all sorts of non-governmental actors.
He also hopes the bill’s fortunes will be helped by the extensive private consultations between his staff and major players in the health care system. His aides have met with representatives of business groups, labor unions, consumer organizations, insurers, physicians, drug companies and hospitals.
It’s corporatist. You know, there’s a name for a system that coopts private actors into doing the state’s bidding. I wish I could remember what that’s called.
And realistically? It. Can’t. Be. Undone.
Caption: Yep, those dirty toilets in a British hospital. Or as I call it, a glimpse into your utopian future of “free” medicine.
Don’t ask impertinent questions like that jackass Adept Lu.