‘Puter, I take your point, but I’m going to have to put an estoppel to your frolic. I don’t want to escheat you out of your fun, pro se, but even though you sent me that delicious hazelnut tort, just inter vivos, there’s nolo way I’m going let you hijack the site with this kind of effluxion like some chick crazed with pre-mens rea syndrome.
I hope you’ll cease and desist amicusably. I know you’re a devisee of all sorts of ways to get around things, but seriously, just quitclaim.
Also, I’m working on that model airplane you gave me. You said the best glue for usufruct along a straight limine was Testators?
P.S. Thanks for asking, the Replevin® has really cleared up that case of stirpes I had.
P.P.S. Sorry to hear about your kid accidentally kicking you in the crotch. Are you completely intestate?
Don’t ask impertinent questions like that jackass Adept Lu.