Eppur’ esiste.
So a while ago your Volgi off-handedly endorsed breaking up Congo-Kinshasa. Which, you know, he can do in his spare time, if he gets around to it. However, as the Volgi said, he ain’t no Africanist, so he’s not surprised to find he’s completely ignorant of the fact that the Congolese love their country. So maybe we’ll table the breakup sine die. Debout Congolais!
Speaking of the Congo, your Volgi caught an interview with Dikembe “Who Wants to Sex” Mutombo and was reminded of what an impressive man he is—stature aside. He’s more-or-less singlehandedly built a hospital in the DR Congo, putting up eight of the twelve million bucks required himself. His charity, which is rated as reputable, supports ongoing good works there. Consider donating. Your Volgi will.
Don’t ask impertinent questions like that jackass Adept Lu.