WaPo: Religion + Palin = Ridiculous!
Hah hah hah! Silly Sarah Palin!
The Washington Post finds it necessary to mock Ms. Palin over her religious beliefs. Want to know what the WaPo finds so wacky?
– She thanks God for her successes! Silly Sarah, this is only allowed for black football players who honestly think Jesus wanted them to score a touchdown so much that He helped keep the QB in the pocket and made the defensive end run too far to the outside. For a woman to do this is pure nonsense; what do they know about football?
– She describes an aurora borealis as something quite heavenly. That’s insane! She should know that it isn’t remotely beautiful at all, but is purely solar wind particles energizing in the ionosphere; or rather she would, except the Democrats continue to cut funding for space research and instead channel it to useful things like teaching homeless people to speak Spanish.
– She liked C.S. Lewis as a child. Time wasting. She should have been reading Alinsky, which will likely be instituted in public schools by 2011.
– She turned to God for help when suffering a miscarriage. Had she listened to the liberals, that baby would never have happened in the first place.
– She prays! And not to Obama!
– She thanked God for the day she met her husband, and was delighted to learn they shared common religious values. This is just plain goofy! People should have no values at all, like the writers of this detestable piece of non-journalism.
Look, it is quite evident that the writers of this article continue to insist mocking Palin. Not content to make fun of her for clinging to God, they also ridicule her on the second page for clinging to guns—they positively squirm with glee because a woman likes hunting. Have you ever heard anything so outrageous?
WaPo, that’s so 2008. You owe your five readers an apology.
Божію Поспѣшествующею Милостію Мы, Дима Грозный Императоръ и Самодержецъ Всероссiйскiй, цѣсарь Московскiй. The Czar was born in the steppes of Russia in 1267, and was cheated out of total control of all Russia upon the death of Boris Mikhailovich, who replaced Alexander Yaroslav Nevsky in 1263. However, in 1283, our Czar was passed over due to a clerical error and the rule of all Russia went to his second cousin Daniil (Даниил Александрович), whom Czar still resents. As a half-hearted apology, the Czar was awarded control over Muscovy, inconveniently located 5,000 miles away just outside Chicago. He now spends his time seething about this and writing about other stuff that bothers him.