The Origin of Palin-Hatred
MH, one of our growing entourage of Canadian readers, uses his maple powers to analyze the American liberal scene. In particular, he takes a good look at their hatred of Sarah Palin, and by God, the Czar thinks he is on to something.
Check out this brilliant piece of psychology.
Back in the day my usual high school bus driver (Mrs. M) was the widowed mother of four sons who would probably be considered Canadian ‘good ole boys’ (in the non-pejorative sense). They were just as happy brawling on the hockey rink – or anywhere else if required – as they were drinking beer with their opponents after the game…somewhat like the Hanson Brothers from Slapshot.
Anyway, our trips from the small town to the big city for high falutin’ book-learnin’ time could be rowdy affairs. Suffice it to say Mrs. M’s bus was not one of those environments. The reason was not because the M boys would kick your ass if you screwed around with their Momma (although true); it was because Mrs. M was capable of corralling the M boys when they screwed around. One glance in the rear view mirror was generally sufficient to suppress any unruly behaviour that she knew was about to happen well before you did.
So when someone at National Review first mentioned/profiled Sarah Palin as a potential VP candidate, Mrs. M was who I immediately thought about (unfortunately for my younger self, not in the ‘naughty librarian’ way). Hockey mom, mother of many, no nonsense, self sufficient…you know the list. In other words: normal and quite admirable. Which meant that, along with all the other factors, I expected the left and the MSM (but I repeat myself) to hate her; although I have to admit I was shocked by the level of vitriol, and especially the commentary on her family. Politics ain’t beanbag, but that just ain’t cool, and I don’t give a flying f—k what party it comes from.
Anyway, although it’s not exactly a novel insight and it overlaps with many of the other explanations, I think that’s another small piece of the PDS puzzle. Being intimidated by the alpha female; especially one who knows them better than they know themselves, since their behaviour so closely resembles that of spoiled children. And they hate themselves for it, which means they hate her for it.
And since I’m sitting in the armchair psychologist chair owned by Captain Obvious, I might as well add this:
Clearly, normal people are completely alien to the ‘nobody I know voted for Nixon’ crowd. The psychological projection which dominates so much of the political left and the MSM (BIRM) manifests itself by seeing xenophobia in normal people who – to use just one example – want illegal immigration to be…umm…illegal, while being consumed with their own intolerance of the ‘domestic foreigner’ personified by Sarah Palin. Like all humans, they have a natural, tribal instinct to be suspicious or fearful of the unknown (whether justified or not), but since that would be politically incorrect when it comes to ‘undocumented workers’, and since the brain needs that suspicion or fear to go somewhere, it falls onto Johnny and Jane Citizen. Hence, the “Shut up you teabagging racIST NAZI CONGRESSMAN-KILLERS!!!!!!!!eleventy-one!!!!”
Or to simplify since I’m starting to hurt my brain trying to think the left-wing goodthink: Domestic foreigners are there to pay taxes; foreign foreigners are there to mow lawns and babysit the designer child. Patted on the head for good behaviour, and be seen but not heard.
Just my 0.019740 cents (CAD).
Being intimidated by the alpha female; especially one who knows them better than they know themselves, since their behaviour so closely resembles that of spoiled children. And they hate themselves for it, which means they hate her for it.Well, now, how about that?
The Czar is particularly attracted to the idea that sucessful conservative women represent MOM in the liberal amygdalas: something to be feared instantly because of their powernot power of governance, but power to correct and reprimand. It explains Sarah Palin, but also predicts Michelle Bachman, and even explicates Christine ODonnell a few months back. Like a good theory should.
The second premise is not as convincing to the Czar, but he does not reject it. Rather, he things MHs idea should be studied and considered in a bit more detail. The Czar will consider liberal aggression to be akin to paranoid xenophobia, but cannot promise that much of the left-wing yelling is not simply a matter of shouting talismans to ward off intrusive, logical thoughts.
The Czar loves that our readers are so dang smart.
Божію Поспѣшествующею Милостію Мы, Дима Грозный Императоръ и Самодержецъ Всероссiйскiй, цѣсарь Московскiй. The Czar was born in the steppes of Russia in 1267, and was cheated out of total control of all Russia upon the death of Boris Mikhailovich, who replaced Alexander Yaroslav Nevsky in 1263. However, in 1283, our Czar was passed over due to a clerical error and the rule of all Russia went to his second cousin Daniil (Даниил Александрович), whom Czar still resents. As a half-hearted apology, the Czar was awarded control over Muscovy, inconveniently located 5,000 miles away just outside Chicago. He now spends his time seething about this and writing about other stuff that bothers him.