Economic Slut-Shaming
The ‘A’ is for affluent. |
Slut shaming (also hyphenated, as slut-shaming) is defined as the act of making someone, usually a woman, feel guilty or inferior, for engaging in certain sexual behaviors that violate traditional gender expectations. These include, depending on culture, having a large number of sex partners, having sexual relations outside marriage, having casual sexual relations, or acting or dressing in a way that is deemed excessively sexual. This is often done by name calling (often using the word “slut” itself) as well as covert shaming. – WIKIPEDIA – Source of all things true and accurate.
When Dr. J. was searching for a picture for this post under the term ‘Slut Shaming’ all he found were lefties protesting being ‘slut-shamed’ rather than examples of true slut-shaming. While there were some protests overlaying cut-and-pastes from Facebook pages, Dr. J. could not verify the veracity of the underlying examples.
Dr. J. was driving back to work from his midday puppy run when he heard news of the continuing drama revolving around Phil Mickelson’s desire to reduce his tax burden by possibly moving from California to a friendlier tax environment. He spoke of ‘drastic changes’ and as a consequence the so-called mainstream media had a field day.
As a consequence he’s had to apologize for expressing his views on the unfairness of America’s horribly progressive tax code. One that punishes financial success and drives individuals away from tax heavy environments (geographic and financial) into tax havens. Not only that, Dr. J. suspects that Phil feels that now he has met Sauron’s gaze and will probably only quietly take action to protect the fruits of his labor, and even take a hit in order to appear in good standing in the guv’mint-media industrial complex’s eyes.
This is just the latest in a series of economic slut-shamings to happen in the wake the Occupy Wall Street/Obama 2012 Campaign Class Warfare double whammy that began last year.
Now that Obamacare has begun to kick into high gear, several high profile businesses, including a Denny’s Franchise, Papa John’s, have at least explored, if not implemented cost saving measures in light of the added cost of doing business brought by Obamacare. Boeing tried to open a plant in business friendly South Carolina that in NO WAY affected the jobs and livelihoods of its Seattle based employees. These efforts were met by vociferous slut-shaming by the same harpies, banshees and harridans that cried foul when sexual 1%ers were shamed for publicizing their questionable choices. Denny’s HQ distanced itself from the franchisee who backed down, Papa John’s walked back its initial trial balloon. Boeing ended up making concessions after pressure by the NLRB.These ‘economic-sluts’ were effectively shamed. Probably out of fear of the IRS coming knocking, and possible economic downsides more than anything else.
Indeed the fact that the so-called ‘sluts’ wear that title as a badge of honor, organizing ‘slut-walks’ and the like tells Dr. J. that they know how to combat criticism, perceived and real. One lesson conservatives need to take from the left, is that rather than walk back what we see as our values, believes and ideals to avoid criticism, like the liberal ‘sluts’ we need to wear our beliefs on our sleeves and not be afraid to stand up and defend them.
Wear that $carlet Letter proudly Phil! |