The Sequester Fairy
The Sequester Fairy brings presents to good little boys and girls, just hope you don’t get a puzzle or model set from her… |
J. Abbey is host to an infestation of all sorts of faeries, leprechauns, elves and sprites. Neither Lady J. nor the saber toothed tigers have been successful in ferriting them out.
Consequently, the Lil Resident and Lil Medstudent were greeted with gifts this morning left by the Sequester Fairy.
For the Lil Resident:
58 feet and 9.6 inches of red tape. She was quite excited and plans on making a wallet and a purse with the material!
For the Lil Medstudent:
Almost as much as he loves Legos, the boy loves bacon. Indeed, he received 11.75 ounces of the stuff.
Dr. J. scoffs at those who say Christmas comes only once a year.