Mailbag – The Illusion of Choice
Operative SR Writes:
This was an excellent illustration, except… reading the last panel, I thought, “Wait, Linus is a guy.
And yet, people still vote for this garbage.
Teh stupid, it burns!
-Operative SR
Dear SR,
You are correct. Paternal rights are an issue in the abortion debate. Far too many times, sadly, the so-called father wants the ‘problem’ to go away and is more than happy to cut a check and/or drive the young lady to and from the abortion clinic. Other times the father doesn’t get a choice or even know.
Men participating in the choice are also hurt or damaged by abortion. The most poignant example is Aerosmith’s Steve Tyler.
In addition to the death of the child, many times a piece of parent dies with the abortion, which is why repentance and reconciliation appears to be a critical part of the healing process. Indeed one need only go back to a prior post by Dr. J. to see the underlying hurt two women of Dr. J.’s acquaintance are suffering because they haven’t truly come to terms with the ramifications their choice and have spent their lives since, trying to justify their action. By way of contrast, Dr. J.’s acquaintances who chose life for an unexpected pregnancy, to a one, seem very happy with their decision.
Thanks for writing in!