G5 — Intergalactic Minion Praise
Recently over the transom came this minion memo to Confucius from Darod of Qo’noš, last seen on Twitter hobnobbing with Adam Baldwin. Here’s his missive, translated from the original Klingon.
O Luminous One,
Congratulations on five years of determined yet often lonely opposition to Esperanto speakers and such like. I too wait for the joyous and frightening day of the Return of our Thirteenth Imam.
I will be here for the next five I believe, but no warrior is guaranteed anything past today. It is always a good day to die. I hope though to share some blood wine and a serving of gagh with all the Gormogons before my entrance to Sto’Vo’Kor.
Darod of Qo’noS
Thanks, Darod, we’ll put the memo in your file. ’Ĭwlĭj jačjaj and all.
Don’t ask impertinent questions like that jackass Adept Lu.