Gentle Readers,
Your Gormogons have, since its inception, pilloried against the healthcare timebomb affectionately known as Obamacare. Dr. J. refuses to call it by its Orwellian title, the Affordable Care Act because it is neither affordable, nor caring for the citizenry nor the healthcare providers.
Indeed, Mrs. Dr. J. spends her days streamlining processes at New Atlantis Ivory Tower Medical Center as we tightened our belts last year, will tighten them more this year and even more so in following year. The Democrat faculty blame teh sequezterz and the Republican governor’s desire not to participate in the medicaid expansion. Those of us with an ounce of sense blame Progressive regulation including Obamacare, HITECH, the CMS hospital readmission penalties, an aging population transitioning away from private insurance to medicare, and simply that the the medical industry has become used to, if not dependent upon the teat of government. Academic medical centers across the nation receive a lot of money from Washington in the form of NIH and NSF research grants, CMS training grants for residents and reimbursement from CMS for Medicare and Medicaid patients. All of that is being messed with and as we’ve undiversified our portfolios away from industry sources because some short sighted ignoramuses, came to the conclusion that industry monies are ‘dirty’ and instituted policies that have drove industry dollars away from the academy in the decade before the shit began hitting the fan.
With that rant firmly in place Dr. J. was excited to see that the Obama administration is being nudged by the economic drivers it created with the bill the President signed before he read. Their new call center will employ part-time employees in order to avoid the added cost of paying for health insurance.
In other news, the Obama administration will be spending $700 million on advertising promoting Obamacare in hopes that you will like the train wreck legislation in time for 2014. Unfortunately, the sheeple probably will buy the party line and the D’s will keep the Senate. Just so you know how much $700 million is, that could cover the projected shortfall for seven Top 20 private academic medical centers for the next year.
Premiums are going down in New York because it’s the only state in the union who is so overregulated that Obamacare actually deregulates it. Gee, the exception proving the rule.
At least you get to keep your doctor…oh, wait…
This legislation NEEDS to be repealed and replaced. Republicans, grow a pair. The time to strike is with the sticker shock that’s going to occur in October with open enrollment for employes who have employer based health insurance. Strike while the iron is hot, folks.