Jewell of Denial
Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewellprobably the last of Obamas secretaries not involved in something mind-bogglingly stupidjust got herself involved in something mind-bogglingly stupid.
In a Department-wide address to Interior employees, she warned them that loyalty tests shall be given to eliminate those who do not worship the Democratic party.
No, just kidding. Instead, she did the exact same thing when she said: I hope there are no climate-change deniers in the Department of Interior.
And if there are?
First of all, let us look at the asinine assumption here. Referring to skeptics of climate change as deniers is as immature, unhelpful, and unprofessional as calling Tea Party proponents or anyone who does not vote for bigger government tea baggers. They who speak the phrase are oblivious to its negatively charged implications. Imagine if Mitt Romney referred to liberal progressives openly as libtards. Well, he would probably be President Romney now if he did, but you can bet the media would be counseling him that a phrase like that probably wont win people over.
So let the Czar explain it to Secretary Jewell: dont use the phrase ever again, or no one in two camps will ever take you seriously. The first camp are those Americans who reject climate change entirely. The second campprobably the more important of the twoare those who arent sure and need convincing.
One can play a simple but useful game with climate change advocates. Tell them you accept the idea that climate is changing…. Then count the number of seconds before you start hearing a Marxist belief.Of course, Secretary Jewell is truly clueless to her offensive name calling, just like bacteria are unaware they live in your colon. This is because Secretary jewell, her inner circle, her senior personnel, managers, and department heads so casually fart out phrases like deniers that they dont realize the vast majority of country just got insulted by them. Think about it: at any given minute between Monday through Friday, between 8 to 5 Eastern time, there are dozens of federal employees casually using offensive phrases like deniers, tea baggers, gun nuts, and Puter. Just like you could hear colorful and off-putting phrases in President Wilsons government for blacks, Jews, and Irish.
Heres the thing. Secretary Jewell could clean up her attitude before she elects to clean house of deniers. But censoring her poisonous liberal demeanor will not win skeptics over to her cause, any more than a terrorist using a duller knife will win converts to his religion. The problem isnt the message packaging, its the message content.
What is Behind It
One can play a simple but useful game with climate change advocates. Tell them you accept the idea that climate is changing: some temperatures are going up, some are going down, sometimes they stay the same due to all the change. Since the idea is based on chaos theory, any of this ultimately possible anyway so you arent necessarily lying to them.
Upon immediately winning their approval for your enlightened position, ask them So what do we do? Then count the number of seconds before you start hearing a clichéd, trite, and incorrectly stated Marxist belief.
Pay attention, because they tend to be camouflaged. Some of them are even quite clever.
Carbon credits to benefit smaller producers while limiting the larger producers of carbon? Simple class struggle: penalize the big guys to let the little guys catch up and be equal.
Establishment of monetary fund transfers to encourage developing nations, particularly in Africa, to develop local, clean power production? Basic wealth transfer from rich to poor.
Governmental investment in green energy jobs to off-burden fossil fuel-based utility providers? Top-down statist regulatory restrictions to crush capitalist free trade.
No surprise that Marxists freaking love Al Gores An Inconvenient Truth, because the entire piece is Das Kapital made substantially less incoherent. The average Marxist can easily sit through Gores PowerPoint, rather than go mind-numb over the gibberish Marx smeared across three painful volumes. Doubt it? Google climate marxism sometime and look at the love letters.
You can also ask yourself why, when President Obama could pick anybody to be his green jobs czar, he picked Van Jonesa communist organizer. After all, who better understands the commodity trade-money argument that fundamentally is carbon credits.
Carbon Credits As Marxist Model
You do understand why carbon in particular is such a problem in climate change right? After all, carbon dioxide is essential for life, and may even have a beneficial, stabilizing impact on climate. So why restrict it?
They arent restricting it: they have commoditized carbon dioxide in a way that forces larger producers to buy (transfer money) from smaller producers. This penalizes the capitalist producers by limiting what they can achieve without a wealth transfer to the under-competitive performers. Unlike a stock purchasein which the buyer and seller are understood to benefitthe carbon credit buyer escapes penalty by transferring money to a seller. Basically, like paying a fine: it is like paying a speeding ticket in advance, so that you can blow past the next highway cop.
But why carbon dioxide in particular? Because of all the gases emitted by manufacturing, it is the easiest to measure. You cannot commoditize something without measuring it. And there are many accurate ways to measure CO2, including ways to measure how much a given manufacturer produces.
Unfortunately, if you were to try to quantify how many polluting, dangerous gases are emitted by a given manufacturer, you would be hard-pressed. Most produce incredibly small amounts, and measurement methodology is not as well-defined. Simply put, even though carbon dioxide isnt necessarily bad for the earth, its way too hard to commoditize anything else. And if you cannot commoditize production, you cannot measure its value for the workers who control it. Pow! Theres your Marxism. Carbon credits are camouflage for wealth transfer.
So when Secretary Jewell wants to eliminate climate change skeptics from her Department, she is basically saying she is turning the Department of the Interior into a Marxist model. The problem is, she doesnt even know it. And why should she? Shes pruning from her staff anyone who could warn her.
Божію Поспѣшествующею Милостію Мы, Дима Грозный Императоръ и Самодержецъ Всероссiйскiй, цѣсарь Московскiй. The Czar was born in the steppes of Russia in 1267, and was cheated out of total control of all Russia upon the death of Boris Mikhailovich, who replaced Alexander Yaroslav Nevsky in 1263. However, in 1283, our Czar was passed over due to a clerical error and the rule of all Russia went to his second cousin Daniil (Даниил Александрович), whom Czar still resents. As a half-hearted apology, the Czar was awarded control over Muscovy, inconveniently located 5,000 miles away just outside Chicago. He now spends his time seething about this and writing about other stuff that bothers him.