Mailbag – Force Ghost Edition
The operative known as Ghost writes to Dr. J., rather than The Czar:
O Wielder of the Scalpel Most Fine, I normally write to my overlord who shall not be named, but this…was so…you, that it could not be helped. Please enjoy.
Dear Ghost,
Thank you for thinking of Dr. J. Dr. J.’s a little disturbed that the first one made you think of him, rather than ‘Puter’s friends over at the Manhole on Fabio night!
The second is more pleasing to Dr. J. While he still doesn’t quite get Japanese pop culture sensibilities, it was more his speed. You can’t beat a good ass-kicking set to a downtempo piece.
Thanks for sharing. Only 8 shopping days left until the My Little Pony Season Four premiere, the 50th Anniversary special of Doctor Who, and Lil Resident’s birthday sleepover (not to be confused with her actual birthday).