A, Я, Ψ, ლ, And Other Letters
The Czar has gotten a lot of mail recently, and he won’t be able to get to all of it, especially ones with which he disagrees. Let us start going through all of your thoughts.
Operative BJ:
“We know that if we are joined by the international community, we can continue to shrink ISILl’s sphere of influence, its effectiveness, its financing, its military capabilities to the point where it is a manageable problem.” Barack Obama Soooooo…. let’s see. England and France are currently hamstrung by their own self-imposed Islamic radicalism issues (the acceptance of Sharia law, rapes and child abuse, decapitation, riots, etc). Spain hasn’t been involved in offensive operations in… gee, has it EVER been involved in offensive operations? Germany is, well, Germany. Same thing with Austria. Greece, Luxembourg, the Netherlands – not known as “joiners”. What about Croatia? Bosnia-Herzegovina? Hungary? Romania? Bulgaria? And after telling Poland to go “stuff it” by refusing to follow through with defensive weaponry sales, do you really think they’d be interested in responding to Obama’s call to action? Which “international community” is the child-king Obama talking about? Perhaps Belgium will send a squad of horse-mounted cavalry. Or maybe Switzerland will send some chocolate. Certainly, Italy can send their best spumanti. So much for the “international community”. Now, as to the concept of “a manageable problem”, it’s hard to see how terrorists who are both willing *and eager* to martyr themselves can ever be “managed”. Whether it’s called ISIL, ISIS, Al Qaeda, or Bob’s-Your-Uncle, those who are in love with killing and death don’t respond to reason. The proof is in front of our faces: they are behaving in unreasonable ways for no apparent reason other than their desire for death while in the act of killing others. Therefore, we are faced with the inescapable conclusion that the child-king Obama is trying to thread an elephant through the eye of a needle: he’s trying to acknowledge that terrorists are at war with us without calling our necessary response a “war on terror”. To use that phrase and to admit the need for it would be an open admission that everything he has said and done in his attempt to “fundamentally change” America has been a failure from start to finish. It seems that, for all his words and that neat-o shiny Nobel Peace Prize, the child-king Obama is left with only one thing to do, and this is the one thing you can be assured he will do: Blame Republicans. |
Indeed, BJ, indeed. Earlier today, the Czar tweeted that it must be annoying to President Obama to realize, very slowly, that just about everybody in America has a much better understanding of the Islamic State than he does. Sorry, but there is a strategy: destroy them completely. Now that this is clear, how we do it is a matter of tactics.
A lesson for our readers: Operative BJ quotes only one short sentence from the President, but requires nine paragraphs to point out everything wrong within it. What a smart president.
Hey, you know who wrote in? Borepatch!
Thought you’d be interested in the GSS data about liberalism. And on a personal note, if you could put up a link to one of the Kilted To Kick Cancer posts, I’d be grateful. It’s a great fundraiser for a very good cause. |
Sorry, big guyour attorneys advised us that promoting one cause invites anyone in to petition whatever cause they had. They clearly said we could not link to one of them, so unfortunately, the Czar had to link to all of them. Hope that helps.
The Czar remembers kilts well, back in the 14th Century by the way. Your ugliest Scotsman around today is way more attractive in a kilt than the bonniest lad was back then. Holy cow. Kilts back then were like wearing a Wal-Mart baggie for pants.
Wait, here’s Operative DH, writing in for possibly the first time:
I think it is because of the politics that Republicans represent that they aren’t more popular. We are the sensible shoes being sold in the mall, the sensible car in a carlot of Lamborghini wannabes. Since Republicans have a belief in the the flawed nature of humans, we can’t really promise solutions to most human related problems. Like Jesus said, the poor will always be with you. And problem students, and terrorists. We can’t really fix human nature. But Democrats can make all sorts of promises, since they feel that any problem whatsoever is fixable, as long as government has the money and power to work its magic. Republicans just can’t make that sort of promise in a real world populated by flawed human beings. But Democrats are able to make all sorts of promises. And they do. And no one ever holds them accountable. They have promised everyone a Lamborghini ever since the Great Society, and nobody has noticed that we are pretty driving the same kind of car as the rest of the world. |
This is quite true. Ramesh Ponnuru had a great piece up today on this point. Possibly, he politely suggests, it might benefit Republicans to try really hard not to be the Stupid Party anymore. Possibly, he adds, it might benefit them to have a real game plan that has some bite and some vision. Just maybe, he wonders, it could help them not get their butts handed to them when the Democrats insist on being totally beatable. Worth a read.
But Operative DH had another great thing to add:
By the way, I linked to you heavily in our local paper. But to tell the truth, even in this conservative community, I don’t think anyone clicked on the link. Fie on them. Work your vengance on the ingrates. |
Thanks, DH! Most obliged. And to save our readers the trouble, it wasn’t even the police blotter. DH felt it necessary to point out, in response to those demanding COMMON SENSE gun controls in the tragic wake of a 9-year-old girl shooting her range instructor, that if we could legally require common sense, absolutely no other laws would be necessary.
The sheer number of laws we have in this country is solid proof that one cannot legislate common sense, no matter how hard we wish it to be. But smart folks are already reading you and the Czar, DH, and now how right you are.
And last, but by no means least, Retired Spook has some thoughts on another horrifying tragedy involving children.
Your Imperiousness; Been reading the latest stuff from Rotherham, England, regarding the 1400+ teenager girls sexually abused by “Asian” males, and I have to wonder; when, exactly, were the spines extracted from the English people, and did it hurt much? I’m sorry, but if some raghead fuckwit had abducted my daughter (he’d have my sympathies if he tried it by himself) I don’t give a rat’s ass how many bobbies tried to tell me to move along, I’d have come back with Molotov cocktails and a cricket bat, if nothing else, and gotten her out, regardless of how many “Asian” males got crispy crittered in the process. So, when did they lose their guts? This is the country that produced Winston Churchill, right? As for the disgusting pieces of [stuff the cat did, and didn’t cover up] that allowed it, it wasn’t for fear of being called racist that stopped them, despite the Leftist’s love of political correctness. It was the fear that Mohammed abu Camelhumper would come back in the wee small hours and saw their heads off with a steak knife, or blow up their cars and homes. It was pure, craven, cowardice! Gutless, worthless asswipes, not fit to feed the hogs (either as servers, or as food!) You can make fun of the redneck culture all you like, but if that had happened here, and the appropriate authorities had not responded quickly and decisively, there would have been a bloodletting, the likes of which had not been seen since the Fort Mims massacre. And it would not have involved just the criminals, it would have involved everyone who failed to act appropriately, from cops to bureaucrats. There would be so many heads rolling that the place would look like a berserk bowling alley. I know that our own house is not completely in order, but I can’t imagine anyone, this side of Dearbornistan, who could knowingly let something like this happen. Or have I just gotten too lost in the memories of the way things “used to be”? Enjoy today, tomorrow will probably be worse. Retired Spook |
Strange, is it not, that the outrage and revulsion in Retired Spook’s letter is appropriate and understandable to the crime in question. Indeed, Spook shows more anger than Rotherham apparently did. And make no mistakeRotherham is not unique. Indeed, if the Birmingham, Leeds, or Bournemouth police got into it, they would discover even worse things afoot. And God help us what would happen if the London police looked into their case files with honesty, because 1400 would seem like nothing.
This is endemic throughout Europe, friends. Not the loss of outrage over violent acts: that ship sailed when the welfare barge arrived in Europe right after the war. The Czar is talking about the abuse of children by Asiansspecifically, Asians from the South Center. Even more specifically around 33.6667° N, 73.1667° E and thereabouts.
The Czar can’t express any more horror and sadness than Retired Spook did, but bear this in mind. Europeand at last Americais starting to realize that these evil people think they can conquer the world.
But the reality, alas, is scarier: they think they already have conquered it. And the scariest part of all? Rotherham is all the evidence they need.
Божію Поспѣшествующею Милостію Мы, Дима Грозный Императоръ и Самодержецъ Всероссiйскiй, цѣсарь Московскiй. The Czar was born in the steppes of Russia in 1267, and was cheated out of total control of all Russia upon the death of Boris Mikhailovich, who replaced Alexander Yaroslav Nevsky in 1263. However, in 1283, our Czar was passed over due to a clerical error and the rule of all Russia went to his second cousin Daniil (Даниил Александрович), whom Czar still resents. As a half-hearted apology, the Czar was awarded control over Muscovy, inconveniently located 5,000 miles away just outside Chicago. He now spends his time seething about this and writing about other stuff that bothers him.