If it’s not Scottish, it’s crap!
Gentle Readers,
Dr. J. finds Scotland’s bid for independence somewhere between cute and amusing. It would be like the gulf coast, or, perhaps California, Oregon and Washington voting to leave the U.S. depending on your point of view.
The upside for Cameron’s England is huge. The British economy is already growing. With less transfer payments to welfaretastic Scotland, and less liberals in Parliament, the British economy is poised to grow even more.
He’s only watched this from afar, but independence for the Scots will come with growing pains. Right now they represent a lot of the far left seats in Parliament, and Scotland is, to paraphrase Paul Ryan 1.0, takers more than they’re makers with regard to the great British welfare state. So, while Thatcher spoke of socialism working until running out of other peoples money, the Scots would be cutting themselves off from other peoples money. So, they better have a plan, should they get their wish.They could take a page out of the Saudi/Kuwaiti book and nationalize their energy sector, but that would come at the cost of freedom in the name of perceived comfort. Alternatively, they can suffer through an early-80s-like recession as they apply corrective conservative economic policies. Regardless, they will also have to come to a sense of understanding with the UK, and all of her allies, if only to insure their safety as now have to provide for their own defense.
Scotland is like the 26 year old kid moving out of his parent’s basement. Hopefully he has a paying job, or he’ll be back.