The Czar left the Castle day room, mildly bothered by the smell of Dr. J. using Force Lightning to raise the thermostat and Leng clouds brought a chill on the moor. Yes, we now have a moor; Volgi put one in just before the first Fall frost. It’s coming along nicely. A bit more fog would be nice, but nothing Mandarin’s advector ray couldn’t whip up.
Meanwhile, the minion in charge of the moor implant had this to say:
To the most twinkling and shining of all possible Czars: Cops, and the violence cops do have been in the news of late. It just makes me think. Civilization is full of trade-offs. Animals can rely on their own violence to protect themselves. Under mob rule, allegiance to a strong cadre gives some security. Under the rule of law we set those things aside. But having accepted the law, we also accept that those who enforce the law have a monopoly on violence. These are human beings that we are giving that monopoly to, not saints or superheroes. Maybe it’s worth considering that the more power we invest in government, the greater likelihood there will be that one of these humans beings might possibly make a mistake. We don’t need a law for everything. To do so puts us all at risk, since our government has a monopoly on violence, and since it is operated by humans, it is subject to error. Of course our police officers should be held to a higher standard. They should be carefully selected, carefully trained and be held accountable to a higher degree, since we have given them a monopoly on violence in our society. But there should be higher standard for civilians also. There is no reason that Brown or Garner could not have treated the police officers with some sort of politeness, and even deference. If our society gives these guys the authority to kill people as part of their job description, it is to everyone’s advantage if we all treat that as a fact. Unlike most of us, they can get killed if they make a mistake. It is easy to talk about an unarmed teenager getting killed by a cop, but every cop knows unarmed teenagers are more than capable of killing anyone who hesitates on the job. |
Hard to believe, no, that this is even a subject of debate in some circles? Organized police forces, sorry to say, have always suffered problems with corruption and bad (if not evil) cops. But you know where in history we’ve had the least problems with law enforcement? That’s righttoday. We have fewer bad cops on the streets today than ever. Estimates from difference sources put the problem cop percentage in single-digit numbers. Maybe 8-10% of cops have issues, which is a woefully high numberbut that number is much lower than the number of dangerous civilians out challenging them. In other words, cops do a better job of weeding out morons than society does. Creepy, when we put it like that.
But yesthere is, for want of a much better phrase, a social contract between cops and civilians. The former seems to be understanding it more and more, the latter less and less. But of course, the bigger governments becomeat any levelthe worse the law enforcement abuses become.
And naturally, here is a rambling screed from Operative BJ, who (a) apologized for its length up front, and (b) suggested the Czar should break it up into smaller chunks. Screw that. We had to read it; you can read it. BJ needs his own blog.
Your Fierce Majesty, This lowly one had several thoughts all at the same time, and thought (ok, that was another one) that he’d share them with you: – The child-king Obama is about to “pull a Judias Iscariot” on Israel by trading away America’s support for the only true electoral democracy in the Middle East for a deal to allow Israel’s (and probably the world’s) worst enemy to complete its research to build a nuclear weapon. Thus, the child-king Obama finally reveals himself to be a supporter of a sharia-based Islamic Caliphate rather than a supporter of human liberty and freedom. The problem seems to be that the child-king Obama is annoyed that Israel wants to build housing on land under its control – something that the child-king Obama has effectively prevented in the USA by the injudicious and unconstitutional use of the EPA, IRS, BLM, and other agencies. This one thinks that the child-king Obama is throwing a tantrum because Netenyahu appears to be more interested in defending Israel and its interests than in doing his – the child-king Obama’s – bidding. Poor thing. The child-king Obama must think that he, the Nobel Peace Prize awardee, isn’t getting the respect that he thinks the world owes him. – Senate Democrats seemed intent on releasing that report “documenting” that the U.S. used interrogation methods that are severe torture (death metal music and sleep deprivation). This one thinks that Democrats tried, but were unable, to find evidence of bamboo splinters under fingernails, or electric shock applied to the ■■■■■■■■ or ■■■■■■■■, or the amputation of appendages, or blindings, or burning with hot irons. Democrats claim that such treatment did nothing to extract actionable intelligence from our enemies. Those at the CIA who were directly involved with those methods disagree. Many have already testified in Congress that Usâma bin-Lâdin was located through information gleaned from those methods. Many of those who underwent such “torture” are either serving time in prison, awaiting trial, or have been released so they can return to the battle against America. Even John Kerry has mused whether releasing this report would increase the danger to Americans overseas and make our dwindling list of allies shrink even further. There is only one reason for releasing this report, and it isn’t to “show the world how truthful and respectful of humanity we are”. Indeed, some things are often better left unsaid, a lesson that Democrats, liberals, progressives, and some MIT professors have never learned. – (At least) two universities have now taken “feel-good” grading to a new level by telling students that their “consciencious objections” to the Brown and Garner situations is sufficient cause for them to skip final exams. Those poor law school students! One can only imagine the terror they will feel, and the horrors they will undergo when they must actually try a case in court and discuss what an accused rapist/murderer did to the deceased victim! The horror! The horror! The other horror they’re about to undergo will be finding out that (a) they didn’t learn anything in “party school”, (b) they aren’t G-D’s greatest gift to the legal profession and aren’t worthy of a 6-figure starting salary, and (c) the public defender’s office has a very small budget and can’t pay for Kobi steak, sushi, and Absolut Crystal Vodka ($1000/bottle) 7 nights a week. – Rolling Stone has forever demeaned the reputation of UVA, a fraternity, “greek life”, and itself by failing to exercise the first rule of good reporting: check your sources. Their belief in a “rape culture on campus” was the narrative the staff promoted, and a story that reinforced that narrative was just too good to be true. They licked their lips and published it without vetting it, knowing – knowing – it was true. Unfortunately for them, the story was too good to be true: at the very least it was unverifiable, and is probably false from beginning to end. By trying to force an ideological viewpoint, the editors of the Rolling Stone have made it harder for those who actually are raped – a horrific crime – to be taken seriously. This one hopes that all of the suspended fraternities at UVA and all of the UVA students whose lives have been disrupted come together and sue the pants off the Rolling Stone, its editors, its writers, the reporters involved. And then, that the all of the affected fraternities whose “Greek life” activities were injudiciously suspended turn their attention back to the UVA administration and sue them for their “guilty until proven innocent” attack. Heads must roll – both at UVA and the Stone. |
Well, only a couple of thoughts.
The document released by the Senate is a serious blow to American foreign policy. It may be one of the most bone-headed, ant-American ideas ever. Of course, the Czar has this nagging, persistent suspicion that the Democrats have come to believe they will lose the presidency in 2016. And they have decided to screw the next president. Badly. Why else would you release this now, of all times?
Interestingly, the press isn’t actually biting. Indeed, the main stream media is in a bit of a tantrum right now, following the President’s profanity-laced admonition last week. Didn’t hear about this? Well, it happened, and the word on the street is that they are ever so annoyed with President Obama scolding them that they have decided not to cover him on this one. In fact, an increasing number of reports are criticizing the report’s veracity.
One guesses if you’re going to put out an ill-conceived, barely factual, mostly fictitious load of crap, maybe giving it to the media the week after the Rolling Stone fiasco proved the media haven’t been doing their jobs was bad timing.
Speaking of which, noheads will not roll at Rolling Stone. They will have learned nothing from this because they never have. Ask David Petraeus. A bunch of potheads doing responsible reporting? That doesn’t even occur at WaPo.
Божію Поспѣшествующею Милостію Мы, Дима Грозный Императоръ и Самодержецъ Всероссiйскiй, цѣсарь Московскiй. The Czar was born in the steppes of Russia in 1267, and was cheated out of total control of all Russia upon the death of Boris Mikhailovich, who replaced Alexander Yaroslav Nevsky in 1263. However, in 1283, our Czar was passed over due to a clerical error and the rule of all Russia went to his second cousin Daniil (Даниил Александрович), whom Czar still resents. As a half-hearted apology, the Czar was awarded control over Muscovy, inconveniently located 5,000 miles away just outside Chicago. He now spends his time seething about this and writing about other stuff that bothers him.