Obama Hates America
‘Puter’s boss is one of the sharpest men (in all senses) ‘Puter has ever known. He is savvy, tough, sharp-elbowed, thorough, driven and demanding. He is also introspective, merciful and kind. ‘Puter’s boss is also a registered Democrat.*
Imagine ‘Puter’s surprise when in 2008, his boss offered this simple statement: “Obama hates America.”
As our loyal minions know, there is no love lost in Castle Gormogon for Obama. To a Gormogon, we all dislike Obama’s policies and prescriptions for America. But ‘Puter’d never believed Obama hated America. That is, ‘Puter never believed it until this year.
Obama was raised in the fever swamps of a radical, left wing family. Obama’s father was a post-colonial Kenyan Marxist, unrepentantly arguing for redistribution of income and Whitey T. Mann’s guilt for every minority’s difficult, real or imagined. Obama’s mother was a flaky hippie, weaned on the post-modernist horseshit of the 1960s.
Obama grew up in squishy liberal Hawaii, attending rich kid Punahou School (tuition a mere $20,700 per year for kindergarten). ‘Puter’s fairly certain Obama didn’t receive the same classical liberal arts education ‘Puter received from the Jesuits. From there, Obama smoked a lot of weed at Occidental College (not exactly a bastion of conservativism) before transferring to hard Left Columbia University.** And, of course, Obama made his obligatory stop at Harvard Law School, America’s second oldest, a routine jumping off point for politicians.
Obama is the product of his environment. A half-Black liberal, steeped in Marxist ideology (post colonialism, critical race theory and liberation theology to name a few), carefully taught to be bitter about the riches America’s given him. Obama is certainly well educated, as believing Marxist fairy tales about the miracles of socialism, social justice and wealth redistribution is considered well educated these days.
Obama doesn’t like to admit it, but he knows (as does every American) that his melanin content bought him special favors in the academy and in society. Anyone remember then Senator Biden complimenting Obama for being clean and articulate? The Left just loves a good house Negro.***
Obama then moved to Chicago, got involved in Chicago politics, and associated with a rogues’ gallery of the Left. From 1960s Weather Underground murderous bombers Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn to backwards assed militant racist “pastor” Jeremiah Wright, Obama rode circuit.
From there, Obama moved into community organizing, then straight into politics. We’re familiar now with Obama’s meteoric rise from do-nothing state senator, to do nothing United States Senator, to Constitution shredding president. It’s a remarkable achievement for a man whose single claim to fame is giving a rousing speech to the 2004 Democratic National Convention. But it’s not surprising as Democrats (and, sadly, many Independents and Republicans) are incapable of seeing what is rather than what they wish were.
So what is Obama? He’s the product of his environment. He’s a hard-Left, neo-Marxist, America-hating, asshat. And, like so many on the Left, he’s a smirking, bullying, chicken shit. Strong words, ‘Puter knows, but ‘Puter can defend them.
Obama believes America is today and has at all times been a force for evil in the world. All Obama’s foreign policy actions are consistent with this belief.
- Early in his first term, Obama went to Cairo University in Egypt to speak. Obama spoke for over an hour, running down America and enabling Islamic fundamentalism. Obama claimed it is not Islam that causes terrorism, but rather unaffiliated “violent extremists.” Obama also alleged America and Islam “share common principles – principles of justice and progress; tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.” Islam sure is tolerant of women, gays and Jews, of that ‘Puter is certain.
- Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize, again for his amazing ability to … well, to be the first Black president, ‘Puter guesses. In his speech, Obama validated other nations’ “reflexive suspicion of America” and to call for America’s unilateral disarmament. Sure, Obama didn’t say unilateral disarmament, but what do you think he meant by “all nations – strong and weak alike – must adhere to standards that govern the use of force.” Obama wants Gulliver America tied down by hateful and puny world Lilliputians.
- Obama throughout the course of his presidency has been dedicated to shutting down the Guantanamo Bay detention center housing some of the world’s worst terrorists. Obama has released 115 terrorists, and 6.8% of them (an al Jazeera estimate, so it’s light) returned to the battlefield. Obama releases prisoners over the objections of military and national security professionals.
- Obama precipitously pulled all United States troops out of Iraq on an artificial schedule, more interested in his political standing than the hard fought and blood bought freedoms of the Iraqi people. We’re dealing today with the logical consequences of his fickle, anti-American decisions as the vacuum gave ISIS space to grow.
- Obama drew a line in the sand on Syria, insisting America would impose dire consequences on Syria if it used chemical weapons on the Syrian rebels. Syria did once, and Obama ignored it. Then Syria gassed its people again, but this time there was irrefutable proof. Obama again did nothing. Assad, emboldened by Obama’s cowardice, has since slaughtered tens of thousands of Syrians and made hundreds of thousands more refugees.
- Obama (with the able assistance of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton) declared a “reset” with Russia early in his first term. From this, Vladimir Putin correctly deduced that Obama was an empty suit, naïve in world affairs and unable to see plain facts. Emboldened by Obama’s childishly simplistic world view, Putin moved into Georgia, then Crimea and now Eastern Ukraine, basically telling Obama he’s a do-nothing bitch. Score one for Vlad the Invader.
Obama believes White Americans are racist. Many of his domestic actions are consistent with this belief. ‘Puter’s waiting for Obama to condemn Oreos since institutional racism makes Americans like the white, creamy center more than the more prevalent and deserving chocolaty wafers.
- Obama inserted himself into the arrest of a Black Harvard University professor by a White Cambridge police officer. Professor Henry Louis Gates got mouthy with Sgt. James Crowley, wouldn’t stop, and was arrested. Obama determined this was a matter worthy of the most powerful man in the world’s undivided attention, and called the infamous Beer Summit. ‘Puter guesses the correct response isn’t “boy, I’m glad no one got hurt in this cop’s reasonable misunderstanding and the professor’s understandably angry response.” ‘Puter guesses “let’s pillory the White cop for his reasonable actions” is cool, too.
- In 2013, America was shocked to learn Obama’s son had been gunned down by a Florida vigilante. Wait. No. That was Trayvon Martin. America was shocked to learn Obama thought this local issue required a federal response and a presidential address. Mind you, Florida had already arrested the shooter and charged him. But Obama thought America needed a lesson on the travails of being Black in America, regardless of the case’s facts. Our prissy Lecturer in Chief strikes again.
- Most recently, Obama sent his race-baiting Attorney General Eric Holder to Ferguson, Missouri after supporters of Michael Brown glorified his memory by peacefully rioting, torching and looting Ferguson’s business district for two weeks or so. This, over a young man who robbed a convenience store and assaulted a clerk while stoned out of his gourd immediately prior to bull rushing a cop who stopped him for walking down the middle of a busy road. Not to be outdone, Obama’s fellow traveler Bill de Blasio allowed ignorant OWS leftovers to shut down many of New York City’s major thoroughfares while calling for retaliatory killing of cops. Days later, a deranged Black man obliged the protestors, executing two cops sitting in their squad care. In Obama’s intellectual circles, racism’s fine so long as it’s directed at the right (meaning White) people.
Obama thinks capitalism is evil and will ruin the world. All his economic actions are consistent with this belief, calculated to destroy the greatest economy the world has known. Ignorance of private sector economics and ivory tower induced hubris are a toxic combination.
- Obama used the 2008 financial crisis to get Congress to pass an $800 billion stimulus. Obama promised to use the stimulus funds for infrastructure improvements. Instead, Obama found there were no shovel ready projects as he had insisted due to the tangled web of archaic and arcane federal and state regulations. Rather than use his executive power to cut the red tape, Obama instead say to Hell with it and showered cash on his base.
- Do you remember Cash for Clunkers, Obama’s plan to rescue the auto industry? Obama gave out tax credits to everyone buying a new car, alleging that doing so would revive the moribund US auto industry. Not so, say economists who’ve reviewed the program. All Obama’s program did was push demand forward, not increase demand over the long term.
- The GM bankruptcy showed Obama’s true colors. Pressured by Obama’s lackeys, the bankruptcy court crammed down bondholders so pension holders could keep their exorbitant benefits, all in violation of federal law. No one has yet answered for this crime.
- ObamaCare made every employer reluctant to hire, as no one is certain what the regulations are going to look like, still. Obama knows the impact of a fully implemented ObamaCare will be so negative, he’s put off most of the painful tax increases until after he leaves office. What a brave soul.
- Standard & Poor’s correctly downgraded the United States’ bond rating as America racked up ever more debt (currently north of $18 trillion), saying unless America’s entitlement programs changed, there’s not enough money to pay America’s debts going forward. For telling the truth, Obama unleashed federal regulators and the Justice Department on Standard & Poor’s. In the last few days, word has leaked Standard & Poor’s reached settlement with the government, agreeing to pay $1.4 billion in fines.
- JPMorgan’s chairman Jamie Dimon – a lifelong Democrat and vocal Obama supporter – was a darling of the Obama administration. In fact, in the depths of the 2008 fiscal crisis, federal regulators came to Mr. Dimon and begged him to purchase Washington Mutual, a dead-man-walking massive consumer mortgage lender. In return for saving the economy’s ass, Obama’s regulators promptly charged JPMorgan with violations related to the origination of mortgages. Fine, you thing, right? Wrong. Obama’s goon squad charged JPMorgan for loans originated by Washington Mutual, the failed bank. That’s a great way to encourage public-private cooperation in time of national crisis.
‘Puter could, but won’t, go on and on about Obama’s deeply flawed policies and beliefs. And, taken single, that’s all any of ‘Puter’s above examples are: proof of a man with no practical experience, in over his head, applying the wrongheaded socialist policies he deeply believes. But at some point, the overwhelming number of these examples indicates something more than a small man with deeply flawed beliefs. At some point the sheer weight of evidence, across all areas of policy, becomes proof of a deeper pathology.
At some point we all, like ‘Puter’s boss, have to admit the obvious: Obama hates America.
* ‘Puter’s boss isn’t what most of us think of as Democrat these days. ‘Puter’s boss is the youngest kid in his extended family (he’s 48), and his father and uncles on both sides were all WWII veterans. He’s a (John) Kennedy Democrat, strong on national defense, fiscally responsible, but with a bit of a New Deal collectivist streak at times. Racist, he is not.
** This is the “university” permitting a lying sack of dung woman who falsely accused a man of rape to torment him across campus with her “senior art project.” The evil woman’s project consists of carrying a mattress around campus claiming she has been raped by the young man, even though the man has been cleared by both the university and the local constabulary. ‘Puter’d say it’s a good thing for the “woman” to carry around a bed, since she’s obviously so familiar with f*cking people over. Were ‘Puter the young man or his parents, he’d sue the snot out of both the psycho female and the university.
*** Yes, there are dumb-assed racists on the Right, too, but this is ‘Puter’s post so shut up. The Right hews far closer these days to Martin Luther King, Jr’s ideal of judging a man on the content of his character, not the color of his skin.
Always right, unless he isn’t, the infallible Ghettoputer F. X. Gormogons claims to be an in-law of the Volgi, although no one really believes this.
’Puter carefully follows economic and financial trends, legal affairs, and serves as the Gormogons’ financial and legal advisor. He successfully defended us against a lawsuit from a liquor distributor worth hundreds of thousands of dollars in unpaid deliveries of bootleg shandies.
The Geep has an IQ so high it is untestable and attempts to measure it have resulted in dangerously unstable results as well as injuries to researchers. Coincidentally, he publishes intelligence tests as a side gig.
His sarcasm is so highly developed it borders on the psychic, and he is often able to insult a person even before meeting them. ’Puter enjoys hunting small game with 000 slugs and punt guns, correcting homilies in real time at Mass, and undermining unions. ’Puter likes to wear a hockey mask and carry an axe into public campgrounds, where he bursts into people’s tents and screams. As you might expect, he has been shot several times but remains completely undeterred.
He assures us that his obsessive fawning over news stories involving women teachers sleeping with young students is not Freudian in any way, although he admits something similar once happened to him. Uniquely, ’Puter is unable to speak, read, or write Russian, but he is able to sing it fluently.
Geep joined the order in the mid-1980s. He arrived at the Castle door with dozens of steamer trunks and an inarticulate hissing creature of astonishingly low intelligence he calls “Sleestak.” Ghettoputer appears to make his wishes known to Sleestak, although no one is sure whether this is the result of complex sign language, expert body posture reading, or simply beating Sleestak with a rubber mallet.
‘Puter suggests the Czar suck it.