The Internecine Democrats
About 4:00 in the morning of June 25, 1950, ten North Korean divisions poured down into South Korea, overwhelming local forces and American troops in short order. Within four hours, the South Korean government called the United States, pleading for support. American forces were heavy in Japan and Korea, and American intelligence anticipated something happening on that date weeks before and could have responded quickly. Yet we didn’t.
American leadership, both civilian and military, couldn’t buy the idea of a communist invasion of South Korea: East Berlin reported near total quiet. The Soviets were sleeping. Taiwan reported nothing happening in China. There was no chatter from the Soviets or ChiComs to any other country. It was almost as if—as if—the North Koreans were acting totally on their own, with other Communist countries having no knowledge of the attack. Sure, in the days that followed, there were token attaboys from the big countries, but American response was tragically delayed because it never occurred to us that Communists were not a unified collective run by a single entity, and that one of their satellites could act independently of the others.
We take it for granted today (actually right after the Korean War) that the Communists mostly hated each other. The Soviets and China nearly went to war multiple times. Both of them were furious with Kim Il-Sung’s gunslinger attitude. Tito was doing his own thing in Yugoslavia, and nobody knew what the hell was happening in Albania until the 1980s. But back then, in 1950, we were astonished to learn that Communism wasn’t organized internationally down to the last man. Who knew.
With that introduction looming in our minds, Operative B sends us a note regarding the 60 Minutes interview with President Obama. The Czar did not see the interview in any way, having spent the day with the family, bows in hand, sending arrows at targets before settling down to a hearty beef stew, Weissbeer, bonfire, and camping overnight. So he reads this with some interest:
Apparently, the child-king Obama – liar number one – wants us to believe that, regarding Hillary’s setting up a personal server for email rather than using existing government email services, “we don’t get an impression that here there was purposely efforts…to hide something or to squirrel away information.”
The child-king Obama must think that the power of his own personality will be enough to end the questioning about a failure in ethical behavior. Or possibly that he can dissuade others by calling Hillary’s behavior a “political problem”. And finally by the use of deflection when he says (in so many words), “Go ask Hillary.”
But there are two obvious follow-up questions that the lap-dog Kroft should have asked:
- Now that it is known beyond question that Hillary did not hand over ALL of her official documents and/or emails after leaving office, why is Hillary not being charged by the DOJ with violating the Federal Records Act of 2009, which was in force while Hillary was in office?
- How is it that nobody in your administration noticed that Hillary was using a non-government email address for all of her official purposes and ask the obvious question, “WTF?” – and, Mr. President, why didn’t you not notice this and ask Hillary to use a government email address for all official purposes?
By attempting to deflect attention from Hillary’s ethical and behavioral lapses – which should be reason enough to question her fitness to lead this country – the child-king Obama leaves himself open to the claim that he simply does not care about ethical and behavioral lapses of those in his administration.
The Czar has mentioned all this before but largely on Twitter, not here: President Obama not only knew Hillary Clinton was in violation of the law, they actually had conversations about it. And, if reports can be believed, when Clinton grew short-tempered with the President’s refusal to give her an exemption for this, he announced he wasn’t backing her on this, reminding her that her problems have always been—not the Republicans or a vast right-wing conspiracy—but her, herself.
It was after all the White House who gave the FBI a number of emails that proved she lied to Congress about her mishandling of sensitive emails. It was indeed the White House that ordered the FBI to retrieve deleted data from her server. It was Valerie Jarrett who ordered Clinton to have no official relationship with Sidney Blumenthal. It was President Obama who stiffed Clinton on at least two dates, failing to show up for meetings she requested to discuss the issue.
Obama’s choice of Clinton for Secretary of State was an odd one from the start, and a few people suspected he did so in an effort to control her. Looking back, that’s almost perfectly the reason: a busy Clinton would have little time to destroy Obama’s presidency from within the party—given how Clintons, generally, don’t like losing without an equal loss on the other side. When it became clear that Clinton was running her own show with no obedience to the President, it was Ms. Jarrett, perhaps more than the President, who ordered her involvement curtailed if not ended. And the private email server? What a gold mine for them.
This certainly wasn’t the first time Clinton underestimated the ruthlessness of the Obama camp. And while the Czar did not see the interview, he understands from multiple sources that Obama refused to promote Hillary or specifically defend her. But when asked about Joe Biden, the President nearly gave him an open endorsement. Again.
Barack Obama doesn’t want to see Hillary Clinton president of the United States any more than you do, B. He’s given Republicans a strange amount of unintended help in destroying her candidacy. And when people began asking him about this, the President offered short but vaguely supportive comments about her. A token attaboy.
The Democrats are not unified. They are broken into three internecine groups: the liberals (led by Clinton), the ultra-liberals (Obama, Jarrett, Warren, Biden, and temporarily Bernie Sanders until they don’t need him as leverage against Clinton), and the ever-diminishing Jack Kennedy democrats (led by the late President, whom this aging group of voters is certain will come back to restore smaller government, a stronger military, and big government programs that get stuff done in their fantasies). And they all dislike each other intensely.
History stammers.
Божію Поспѣшествующею Милостію Мы, Дима Грозный Императоръ и Самодержецъ Всероссiйскiй, цѣсарь Московскiй. The Czar was born in the steppes of Russia in 1267, and was cheated out of total control of all Russia upon the death of Boris Mikhailovich, who replaced Alexander Yaroslav Nevsky in 1263. However, in 1283, our Czar was passed over due to a clerical error and the rule of all Russia went to his second cousin Daniil (Даниил Александрович), whom Czar still resents. As a half-hearted apology, the Czar was awarded control over Muscovy, inconveniently located 5,000 miles away just outside Chicago. He now spends his time seething about this and writing about other stuff that bothers him.