Free Security Advice
Borepatch, who watches this sort of thing for us, wants you to know that if you are one of the handful of people who still use Internet Explorer, you may be in trouble. This is a much more serious issue … Continue reading →
Borepatch, who watches this sort of thing for us, wants you to know that if you are one of the handful of people who still use Internet Explorer, you may be in trouble. This is a much more serious issue … Continue reading →
This cracked me up. At least some hacker out there has a sense of humor. Of course, ‘Puter wouldn’t be phased as he has no speakers on his computer and he ripped the internal one out after hearing the Brady … Continue reading →
If it all possible, protect your data by putting a physical lock on it and a little bit of loose chain as pictured. That keeps just about everybody out, unless they simply lift up the lock and move it to … Continue reading →
Introduction The Czar is impressed with the Volgis story regarding the StuxNet virus, although it sounds like StuxNet is more of a trojan horse. (If readers want the best dope on high-end information security, as always your man is Borepatch … Continue reading →
If this is true, this is an amazing, ninja move. The implications are fairly terrifying, especially if someone develops a less discriminating version. Cyber security experts say they have identified the world’s first known cyber super weapon designed specifically to … Continue reading →
….. That might be the sound of your favorite website at some point in the future. It appears that the democrats are enjoying this business of having the government control everything. CNET News obtained a draft copy of a bill … Continue reading →