Operation Snowdome is holding
So far so good. Maybe we will have it available for deployment in your hometown next winter. Dr. J.
Continue reading →So far so good. Maybe we will have it available for deployment in your hometown next winter. Dr. J.
Continue reading →Operative BJ writes in with alarming news: Hey, you in the chair! Operative BJ is happy to have you and you and you pay for him to enjoy his 8-week tanning treatment through your tax dollars. And no, Operative BJ … Continue reading →
To: The Inscrutible Mandarin From: Dr. J. Re: Operation Snowdome Dear Mandy: The Orbiting Anti-Snow Ray works! New Atlantis remains snow-free! Suck it Atlanta! Best, Dr. J. Dr. J.
Continue reading →It snowed in New Atlantis last night. Here, the house elves in J. Abbey take a break from scullery duty to enjoy the view of last nights snowfall. Lady J. can be seen gamboling about the courtyard, hunting for game foul. … Continue reading →
For the fifteen of you who escaped the blizzard of 2011, here is a taste of what we had around Chicago. Start watching around 30 seconds in to get the full effect. Someone tell Borepatch his old house is under … Continue reading →
Courtesy of Slashdot and PBS, there is a show going on at the American Folk Art museum in New York featuring the works of Wilson Bentley. It’s probably not a name that you would recognize from the art world largely … Continue reading →
And now a Chinese beer is the most popular beer in the world, replacing Bud Light (the Thing of Beers). The Chinese beer is apparently named Snow, possibly from the melamine flakes floating in it, and the Czar does not … Continue reading →