Buffaloed Bills
‘Puter, tell the Bills’ players not to worry. People are much more polite in Toronto. Confucius, Œc. Vol.Don’t ask impertinent questions like that jackass Adept Lu.
Continue reading →‘Puter, tell the Bills’ players not to worry. People are much more polite in Toronto. Confucius, Œc. Vol.Don’t ask impertinent questions like that jackass Adept Lu.
Continue reading →Goodbye, Buffalo Bills. In part one of the long goodbye, the Bills play their first regular season game in Toronto, Ontario, Canadia (motto: We’ve Got Yer Constitutional Crisis Right Here, Buddy!). On the upside, the Bills will be playing indoors … Continue reading →
Hey, ‘Puter, sorry about your weight problem, but it’s only going to get worse for you avoirdupois-wise sitting in traffic in Truckasaurus going both ways to see a Bills-Argos doubleheader at their joint home, the Rogers Centre. T-Bills logo lifted … Continue reading →