Operation Snowdome is holding
So far so good. Maybe we will have it available for deployment in your hometown next winter. Dr. J.
Continue reading →So far so good. Maybe we will have it available for deployment in your hometown next winter. Dr. J.
Continue reading →Today is the coldest day in Earth history, and none of us are expected to survive. Not really, but you get the idea. Its in all the papers. Puter and Mrs. Puter, along with the boys, go down the driveway … Continue reading →
Dr. J. caught this on his morning trawl through teh interwebz and found this fun piece on io9: This is a political map of Pangea using modern nation borders. Dr.J. not only finds the idea of beachfront property in Tibet tantalizing … Continue reading →
‘Puter, like GorT and your Volgi, is a native Washingtonian. In fact, ‘Puter’s family has lived in that area since before Washington, D.C. even existed. As such, ‘Puter claims special insight into Washingtonians’ abject terror at any and all weather … Continue reading →
Oh, Dat Ho, it’s a twister!You call him derecho, lady. First of all, a big shout out to the service folks who, by trade, are required to work in this summer heat – the police, firemen, EMS, water, gas and … Continue reading →
To pull a thread from ‘Puter’s latest post, the spin about the “derecho” storm that hit parts of the east coast of the United States this past Friday night has spiraled and inflamed the climate change debate. The usual spin … Continue reading →